DC-SEPAC is requested by the Director of Pupil Personnel Services Robert Bergeron to nominate one of our members to speak with DESE for their on site review (Tier Focus Monitoring).
Director of Pupil Personnel Services Robert Bergeron spoke about working on consistent processes of special education procedures across the district. For ex, one school may use digital reporting for collecting information of all teachers/staff in reading and acknowledging a student's IEP, while another school uses a paper sign off submitted to the secretary.
15 teachers across the district and across grade levels are starting their Wilson journey next week. This is a year long process and the district and the educators are excited to increase their knowledge and are looking forward to adding these 15 teachers in being Wilson certified instructors next year to increase special education services in reading. https://www.wilsonlanguage.com/professional-learning/individual-teacher-support/wrs-level-i-certification/
Director Robert Bergeron discussed the beginning roll out of a new curriculum support of the ILCs in the district. The ILCs are substantially separate classrooms, currently known as Intensive Learning Centers. DCRSD has purchased new ipads and chromebooks for the ILCs to utilize this curriculum support. The new curriculum support is TeachTown, https://web.teachtown.com/
Director Robert Bergeron discussed bringing in an independent clinical psychologist with expertise in therapeutic learning, to review our district's ALC (Alternative Learning Classrooms) and professional development to them.
Director Bergeron is working on a cost analysis of in district transportation for those that need specialized transport. This is the first step to look into the district having their own vans and drivers for in district transportation of those requiring specialized transport and less reliance on a contracted provider.
SEPAC Chair Jeanne Costello, discussed what a SEPAC is, why it is important, and what a SEPAC does and brings to families and the district. Passed out an interest form of officer positions and general interest/membership.
From conversations from those present it appeared that the next month's SEPAC meeting should be about breaking down the IEP and the Parent Notice of Procedural Safeguards (Basic Rights).